Baboon alone fights with hundreds of wild dogs to protect its family

A pack of wild dogs is hunting. Suddenly they met a group of baboons. Perhaps the pack of wild dogs intended to hunt the baboons.
Just approaching the baboons group, a leader of the pack baboon approached and threatened the wild dogs, causing them to run away in panic. But the nature of wild dogs is a sinister species so they will still find a way to approach.

Indeed, the leader monkey is very aggressive. Whenever it sees a wild dog, it will run to chase it. Although the pack of wild dogs was outnumbered, the baboon was not afraid. It must protect both its flock and its young cubs.

After a while, the pack of wild dogs took advantage of the leader baboon to come out. They approached the baboons to hunt the little baboons. But before they could do anything, it was rushed by the leader of the pack from behind and chased them away.

After standing there for a while without being able to approach the baboons, the wild dogs had to leave to continue looking for a new prey.
