Leopard was seriously injured because hunting encountered a fierce baboon that caused

Leopards and baboons always have tough encounters. Not only do they compete for territory, but leopards also hunt baboons to eat.

A dramatic battle in the trees between a leopard and a baboon. The leopard was chased away by the monkey. It had been cornered by the baboon to the tip of a branch. Unfortunately for the leopard, it slipped and fell off a tree branch. Although he tried to hold onto the branch, it still fell to the ground.

It did not give up and still tried to approach the baboons to hunt. It gently approached the solitary monkeys separated from the herd.
The monkey was very quickly captured by the leopard. Because of the baboon’s foolishness to separate from the pack, it has become a leopard’s meal.

The leopard finally has a delicious meal.
