Poor baby elephant lost its mother became the meal of a hundred lions

A baby elephant that broke away from the herd wandered to the riverbank.

It splashed around in the water without even knowing that there was a male lion lurking nearby.

The male lion lurks behind the baby elephant. It is looking for an opportunity to approach the elephant.

Just approaching the baby elephant, the lion was about to attack when suddenly the baby elephant turned behind and discovered the lion.
The lion evaded immediately after, but only pretended, but did not give up.

After a while the lioness came to help. The male lion begins to actively attack and chase the baby elephant first.
Knowing that he was weaker, the baby elephant ran away.

But unfortunately it is not as fast as the lion. The lion jumped on the baby elephant from behind.

It tried to swing on the baby elephant so that the baby elephant fell to the ground.
The elephant could not bear the weight of the male lion, so he fell to the ground.

At the same time, the lioness ran back, both of them pressed on the elephant, making the elephant unable to resist.
In the end, the baby elephant became a rich meal for the lion family.
