Poor buffalo, even though he was saved by his companions, still ended up being torn apart by the lions

An unfortunate buffalo was caught by a whole herd of lions. The lions are tormenting the buffalo.
One lion was biting its tail, another was biting its butt, and another was biting the buffalo’s throat. The buffalo cried out in pain.

Suddenly another buffalo rushed up to the lions that were clinging to the buffalo. Fortunately for the buffalo it escaped the lions thanks to its companion.

A lion bit its tail and wouldn’t let go. When the buffalo ran away the lion pulled its tail and unfortunately the buffalo’s tail came off. It hurts and slows down. Before escaping from the lions, the buffalo was caught by them.

Another buffalo ran out to chase the lions away, but when he was able to chase it, it left and the lions were too many. They have gnawed away some meat on the buffalo’s body. The buffalo was in too much pain and couldn’t take it anymore.
In the end, the buffalo died after many attempts to escape. So the whole herd of lions came to eat the buffalo.
