Suddenly, the zebra used its jaws to bite the crocodile in the face, making it scared and give up

The crocodile is a large and aggressive predator, while the zebra is an animal that is able to run fast and has special fighting moves to defend itself. A zebra was leisurely drinking from the river in the crocodile territory. The crocodile saw its prey and immediately approached and attacked. Immediately, the zebra recognized the crocodile’s presence and tried to escape.

However, the crocodile was a very good swimmer, and was quick to chase the zebra. Zebra used his special fighting move to defend himself, which was to use his front legs to kick the crocodile’s head. However, the crocodile used his strength to attack back, by biting the zebra’s leg. The crocodile kept biting the zebra’s leg and dragging it into the water.

The resilient zebra never succumbed to the crocodile. It used kicks to bite the crocodile to make the crocodile let go. But the crocodile did not want to lose its prey, so it still tried to fight. Finally, the zebra, with its tenacity, escaped from the crocodile and ran ashore. But the zebra’s body was seriously injured by the crocodile.
