The fierce death battle of the pregnant hyena mother protects her babies from the cruel wild dogs

A pregnant hyena, it moves very heavily because its belly is too big. So when it goes alone, it is very dangerous to separate from the herd.
Unfortunately for it, it encountered a pack of wild dogs that were hunting. With its large belly, it was difficult to fight back and escape.

Wild dogs swarm around the hyena. The mother hyena fighting alone is pitiful. It couldn’t stand up like normal to fight.
It tries to both fight and run away. The wild dogs took turns biting at the hyena. The hyena also refused to let the wild dogs torment her.

It bites back very fiercely. Maybe the hyena wants to give birth to cubs in its belly and it doesn’t want to be the prey of wild dogs.
Wild dogs are constantly attacking. They bit the hyena in the stomach, legs and back. They dragged the hyena causing it pain.

The hyena bites back the wild dogs, but how can one mouth win over 100 mouths.
Perhaps the end of this pregnant hyena will be eaten by wild dogs.
