The historic battle spanning hundreds of years of lions and hyenas reveals the savage nature of wild animals

So far, hyenas and lions have been the top two species of the savanna food chain.

However, they constantly fight for food, which is mainly hyenas with stealing nature, so they want to steal the lion’s prey.

When going to steal prey from lions, hyenas often go in groups because with their small bodies, if they attack alone, they are not opponents of lions.

When they see lions enjoying the fruits of their hunt, they gather to attack and pretend to run, then another one rushes in to eat the prey.

However, when the lion returned only the white skeleton because the hyena had swarmed in and ate it up while it was chasing one as bait. The despicable way of the man who steals the food of the lord of the jungle.

However, if unfortunately caught by a lion, the fate of the prey animal can only be death and lie still in the belly instead of the prey that the lion hunts.

A worthy ending for thieves who don’t work but still want to eat.
