The horrifying obsession of a hyena couple when they had to fight a giant python on their deadly honeymoon

In the wilds of Africa, sunlight shines strongly on the green grass, creating a beautiful but dangerous natural scene. In that quiet space, a brutal battle for survival is taking place, as a giant python and two hyenas confront each other, creating a captivating scene.

The python, with its giant body and scales shimmering in the sunlight, curled up ready for the attack. Its sturdy scales are like pieces of protective armor, making any enemy wary. This is a powerful python, which has become a fearsome predator in the wild.

Watch: Python loses its monkey meal to a trio of hungry hyenas | Predator vs Prey | Earth Touch News

On the opposite side, two hyenas, with tangled fur and sharp teeth, roared and charged with equal determination. A hyena approached the python, his eyes full of challenge and determination. It bites hard into the python’s body, trying to attack the weak point to defeat its opponent. The python responded by curling tighter, trying to blow away the hyena’s shadow in its powerful enclosure.

Meanwhile, the second hyena charged from the other side. It bites the python’s head, where the scales cannot protect. The battle became dramatic as both hyenas coordinated their attacks, trying to overcome the python’s defenses.

Notes From Kenya: MSU Hyena Research: Python vs. Hyena: A Battle to the Death

The python’s roar, bite and fart sound mixed together, forming an intense fighting symphony. Each time the hyena bites, the python curls tighter, like an unbreakable wall. The match became more balanced as the python gradually lost strength, but still refused to surrender.

In the midst of the brutal battle, a moment of silence suddenly appeared. The python, with all its remaining strength, launched a final counterattack. It curled tightly around the hyena biting the head, and with extraordinary strength, it wrapped tightly and pressed close. The hyena roared, trying to escape but could not. In the end, the python won, and the hyena was forced to be strangled.