The jackal tried to run away from the pain, but the cheetah refused to let its wish come true

The jackal moves quickly and flexibly in the jungle. It used its dexterity to dodge attacks from two cheetahs. Its ears are always upright, ready to catch every smallest sound in the surrounding environment. The two cheetahs, with their outstanding strength, appeared confident and bold.

They move gracefully and use sharp claws to attack their targets. Their eyes always light up with determination and ambition to win. A jackal attacks a cheetah from behind. Its surprise and speed caused the cheetah to dodge.

However, the remaining cheetah quickly rushed to attack, using its strength and technique to deal with the jackal. The fight becomes a dramatic dance, with attacks and dodges constantly taking place. The jackal used its agility and cunning to avoid the hooks of the two cheetahs.

However, the flexibility and strength of cheetahs make it impossible for jackals to easily defeat them. Finally, after a tense and fierce fight, the jackal let out a loud cry of pain, surprising the two cheetahs and the jackal took the opportunity to successfully escape.
