The lion who was subjectively hunting buffalo accidentally bumped into an old and experienced buffalo, so it was gored through the stomach

People often think that lions are always the ones who actively attack other animals. But sometimes they are also attacked by other species.
Two lionesses are chasing a buffalo. But fortunately for the buffalo it was able to run to its herd in time.

A lion jumped on a tree branch. Because it has offended the buffalo herd, making them angry. Fortunately, the lion managed to climb the tree to escape the attack of the buffalo. But the buffalo did not want to spare the lion. The whole herd of buffaloes surrounded the tree so that the lion could not get down and run away.

The buffalo rammed the lion’s ass with its muzzle. Lions only have to use their feet to push the buffalo’s face out.

After struggling for a while, the lion stubbornly refused to come down, the herd of buffaloes left. Only then did the lion jump down from the tree and run back to his territory.
