The marine iguana, not afraid of death, provoked the hawk and the tragic ending was for it, becoming a delicious prey

On a rocky beach next to the beach, a dramatic hunt is taking place between a hawk and a marine iguana, creating a wild and thrilling scene. With its powerful wings and lightning-fast dive, the hawk became a symbol of dominance and the hunt.

The hunt between the hawk and the marine iguana began when the hawk discovered a group of marine iguanas sunbathing on the rocks. The hawk flew high and patrolled the rocks, scouting from above and waiting for an opportunity to attack.

Meanwhile, the marine iguana dives deep and moves skillfully, searching for targets and avoiding the predator’s attacks. The struggle between the two factions became tense and difficult.

Finally, the hawk spotted a slow, young marine iguana. It immediately took advantage of the opportunity to use its sharp claws to attack and carry the baby sea iguana back to the nest.

The hunt of the hawk and the marine iguana creates a wild and powerful scene. It represents the struggle between domination and survival, where only strong and intelligent creatures can survive.
