The paradox of the zebra brutally attacking the lion to eat it

A lioness hunts to bring food back to her cubs at home. Fortunately, he caught a fat, chubby zebra.
The zebra must be twice the size of this lioness. But perhaps that is why this zebra is so difficult for the lion. The empty zebra responds very aggressively. It refuses to die before a lion.

The lion must do his best to swing his body onto the zebra and try to wrestle it to the ground. The lion grabbed the zebra’s neck with its front legs and bit its throat with the aim of suffocating it to death.

But with a larger body than a lion, the zebra resists fiercely. It used its strength to push the lion away. It throws powerful kicks to kick the lion out. Because the lion is too stubborn and refuses to let go.

After struggling for a while, the lion seemed to be tired. At this moment, the zebra threw a blow and the lion flew away. But the lion could not afford to lose its lucrative prey. It still chased the zebra and jumped on the zebra’s back to bite its back.

And just like that, the lion caught the zebra and let it slip away. The chase continued from the vast savanna to the dense forest full of trees without any end. Perhaps with the intense life of the zebra, it will certainly escape the ferocious lion.
