The stupid wild dog was robbed of its prey by a crocodile right in front of him and couldn’t do anything

A pack of wild dogs just finished their hunt. Their result is a delicious deer. The wild dogs are enjoying their prey on the riverside sands deliciously.
Two wild dogs are cutting off venison to eat, unaware of everything around.

A crocodile in the river has smelled the smell of fishy blood. It was certain that it was the bloody smell of a delicious meal. The crocodile swam close to the shore to reach the wild dogs and deer.
The crocodile is very big, it must be as big as 5 wild dogs put together. The crocodile walked quickly towards the wild dog. At this time, the wild dogs were startled and learned of the appearance of the crocodile.

They ran away and left their half-eaten venison behind. The crocodile took the opportunity to rush forward quickly and open its huge mouth to bite the deer away.

The shocked wild dogs could only watch but did not dare to approach the crocodile because it was too big and it looked so scary. The wild dogs feared that going forward to take back their prey would probably become the next prey of the crocodile.

So they had to watch the crocodile bring their delicious prey into the water. And so alligators don’t have to work hard to have a delicious meal. What a pity for the stray dogs.
