The tragic death of the poor baby elephant lost its herd was torn by hundreds of hungry lions

Although elephants are the largest and second largest species in the wildlife world. But for the lion king, no matter how big or small, they all fall in their sights.
A young elephant unfortunately lags behind its herd. Unfortunately it was targeted by a pack of lionesses.

The whole herd of about a dozen lions had been starved for a week, so when they saw the elephant, it was like having gold. The whole herd of lions came and grabbed the elephant.

Some elephants were so hungry they jumped on the elephant’s butt to bite into its meat. The elephant tried to run away to escape the lions. But the lions were so numerous and the elephants were still small, it was difficult for it. The whole herd of lions clung to the elephant’s body, causing it to feel uncomfortable and heavy pain.

Fortunately, there was a large river nearby, the elephant tried to run into the river causing the lions to let go of the elephant immediately. Taking the opportunity, the elephant splashed the lion with water and chased them away.

In the end, the whole herd of lions had to watch their prey go away and they had to continue to starve.
